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We are bound for kindergarten.  All of our skills are being fine tuned to independently perform in a larger group setting.  Our room is still small enough to practice listening and following directions in a group and then independently completeing those assignments.  The teacher will tell us where we need to be and we go there and finish the task before we move to another assignment.  We do not wander over to another friend when the centers are assigned as we are making good choices of following the teachers directions.  In Kindergarten we will be faced with more friends and distractions and we need to develop disapline to use our time wisely.  We still have time in our day to choose what to play with and move freely over to what our friends are doing so we can develop friends on a casual base and still learn while we play.  Our friends are becoming more important to us and we are learning kindness and how to be helpful

and to respect others work and space.   We are writing, cutting independently, completing art with little teacher direction, and moving toward the independence of being in a larger room with lots of friends.  Next step is Kindergarten.


The way we learn is through play and we learn all day long!

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